Community projects update Summer 2020
We want everyone in Thanet to feel represented by and have access to POW!
Our engagement projects take art out into the community, and this year we have focused on reaching young people. Local children created props and costumes for the festival launch and hip-hop artist Amy True ran music workshops for 14-21 year olds at Pie Factory Music and local schools.
The female LGBTQ band of Margate’s ArtsEdExchange are recording a new song to be released during the Summer - and Ramsgate’s Liberty Training are creating a video on feminism with 16-25 year olds.
We’ve strengthened relationships with groups we’ve worked with before, such as Copperfields’ over 50’s independent living facility in Newington with workshops by poet Sarah Tait and Well Projects who created tapestries with East Kent Mencap for a windown display as part of our visual arts programme.
If you want to get involved with POW!’s Community Programme please do get in touch by contactkign Francesca Alphonso on
arts education exchange
Ollie Harrop