POW! Thanet Christmas Newsletter
Happy Christmas!
Things are challenging at the moment, so we wanted to bring you a Christmas newsletter full of joy. Read on to hear about our community projects and how you can be involved in POW! 2021 festival next year!
Engaging with our community
Did you know? Here at POW! we don't just work on our annual festival. Throughout the year our dedicated Community Engagement team work with local schools, colleges, universities and community groups in Thanet and the wider Kent area. Just this year, the POW! team have worked with 250 children and young people.
We've realised that we don't really tell you about our Community Engagement work, so over the next two months we will be sharing with you the amazing stories from behind the projects we have been running - A little inspiration for the new year!
Head over to our website to read about the latest projects, including poetry workshops at Copperfield supported living facility and reimagining the future with Broadstairs College.
Visit our website here: https://www.powthanet.com/current-projects
Volunteer for POW! 2021
We hope you're looking forward to POW! 2021! We are confident that the festival will go ahead in 2021, despite the pandemic, and have thorough contingency plans in place to make sure this is possible. We'll give you more information in the new year!
In the meantime, we're looking for volunteers to support our work.
Volunteering with POW! Thanet is a great opportunity to try out new skills, gain experience, make friends, enjoy being part of a team and most of all have fun while helping to make a great festival happen. We offer support and training for all volunteers and we work hard to make sure you get the most out of your time volunteering for POW!
Find out more here: https://www.powthanet.com/volunteer-questionnaire
photo by Lisa Valder
Artist bursaries from 1927
1927 have 5 Bursaries of £1,500 plus mentoring support on offer to Kent based artists making contemporary performance!
The deadline is 5pm on Monday 11th January 2021.
Find out more here: 19-17.co.uk